“Bully No More”
Subject: Anti-Bullying
Age / Grade Level: K-8
(Content is altered for grade levels. Please call to discuss details.)
Synopsis: Our most popular virtual livestream production is all about instruction and skills for school-age children if they find themselves being a bully target, a witness to bullying, and we even address those who may be doing the bullying, too.
By using colorful TV graphics and multi-media visuals, The Game Showsters host reviews common bullying scenarios, and continually engages your students through interactive tasks and quizzes. BULLY NO MORE reviews all the important lessons regarding bullying, which include:
What bullying is … and isn’t!
Being supportive to those who need help.
The right and wrond ways of standing up and being resilient to bullying.
Including, not excluding, othrs in groups and activities.
Always talking to a trusted adult about bullying incidents.
The Godlen Rule and empathy.
Plus a whole lot more …
BULLY NO MORE is a fun assembly about a serious topic, but done always in a positive, upbeat, and non-preachy style. This program may also be available as an ON-STAGE ASSEMBLY through The YoJo Show.